Website administration

The configuration of your SciencesConf website depends on the different modules you have selected.

Access to the conference space

Once your space has been accepted by our team, you will receive a confirmation email with the website URL.

To access your conference space, click on the URL and log in with your login and password.

By default, the account used for the site creation request has conference administrator rights.

As the site administrator, you have access to the “My space ” section and can give the Administrator privilege to others. In the “My space” section, you will see a table with the list of items to configure according to the modules enabled for your conference.

At this stage, the site is only accessible to administrators and persons with a specific role given by the administrator.

For more details on privileges, please see the FAQ at the end of this page.

General setting

The first step is to check the general setting you entered when you requested to create a conference.

Go to Administration > General setting, you will find general conference information such as title, dates or location.

General setting

This information will be disseminated on the showcase site

They are also used for search engine referencing.


The elements visible in your space depend on the modules activated.


You may see fewer lines if you have not enabled all modules.

Once you have configured all of these lines, the `Opening the website` button will activate.

Enable/disable modules

To enable or disable modules, go to Administration > Modules.

When you activate the Registration management module and the Editorial management module, the sub-modules are disabled by default. We need to activate them one by one.

Don’t forget to click the `Save` button so that the changes are taken into account.




The Administration > Users menu lists all users who have logged on to your site, whether they are registered, depositors or simple visitors.


The privileges that may be granted are:

  • Administrator: establishes the site in its general aspect. This privilege includes all other privileges.

  • Coordinator: coordinates site submissions. He will define the reviewers, distribute the repositories, select the submissions and will be responsible for establishing the program in conjunction with the Webmaster

  • Webmaster: personalizes the website (appearance and content)

  • Administrative: manages registrations

  • Reviewer: evaluates submissions

  • Redactor: access only reviewer reviews


The assignment is done only on a user account already created.

From the Administration > Rights menu you have access to the dashboard for assigning privileges to users of your site.

To add roles to a user who does not have one, * click on “Add user”, * enter the first characters of his name to search for the user, * select the user from the list, * then tick the privileges in the popup window that appears.

To change a user’s roles, right-click the pencil on the right. Select the privileges for that user.



By default, the administrator has all rights except that of reviewer.