Pages allow to enrich the menu Main menu. To add pages, go to Website > Pages.
You can add predefined pages or customizable pages: - Home page: a single page, One of the site; - Link: allows you to link to an external page; - File: allows to display a document in the browser or to link it to a page; - Submission of a communication; - Consultation of communications by author, by speaker, by theme or by type of document; - Search for a conference paper; - Programme; - Conference registration; - Resources: RSS feed, photo gallery, list of participants, access, sponsors, news; - Customizable page: to create information pages. You can also add as many customizable pages as you want.
After adding a page, you must click the `Save`
button to see the page in the menu and then be able to edit it.
Only one page can be created per page type except for ‘Link’, ‘File’, ‘Customizable page’ and ‘Photo gallery’ pages.
The different types of pages¶
The home page is the only page created by default and that cannot be deleted.
By default, the home page contains the content of the description you entered when you requested to create a website.
To change it, click the “Update page content” icon on the Home line or click Website > Homepage.
The homepage can be divided into 2 columns: a column called “main column” and another called “right lateral column”. Each column is divided into blocks with a title and content.
Click “Add a block of text” to add content as blocks that you will place in the main area or in the right-hand side column. You can move the blocks with then arrows to the left of each block. See next picture.
In the “More pptions”, you can also change the width of the main area, the background color of the lateral area and insert separators between the main part and the right column.
Web link¶
With this page, you add a link to your Menu.
You can add multiple pages of this type.
Example: pages indicating nearby hotels.
With this page, you add a file to your Menu.
You can add multiple pages of this type.
Example: a file with a campus map, a program made entirely by you, a list of restaurants nearby, etc.
Customizable page¶
This page is fully configurable using a text editor.
If your site is in multiple languages, the content must be configured in all languages of the site before you can save the page.
The text editor allows you to switch to HTML mode if you want to customize the page in more detail.
You can add multiple pages of this type.
Browse by¶
You can add pages to view accepted repositories. The types of consultations are by Author, Speaker, Document type or Topic.
This page allows users to search for a deposit against the mandatory fields filled in by depositors.
The Program page makes the program accessible to users in the Navigation menu. The configuration of the program content is done in the Program menu
The Registration page allows users to access the registration form even if they are not logged in. The registration form is configured in the Registration management menu
However, account creation and login are mandatory for those registering for your conference.
Photo gallery¶
With this page you can add images and create your own photo gallery.
You can add up to 5 pages of this type.
List of Participants¶
The list of participants updates automatically when a registration is validated and paid if the registration is paid.
The list of items displayed for each registrant can be configured by clicking on the “Update page content” icon.
If the number of participants in the “List of Participants” is not equal to the list of registrants, participants may not have finalized their registration (no payment, incomplete registration), or the registrants have not clicked on the link allowing them to validate the creation of their account.
This page allows you to insert a link to a map using the HTML text editor.
You can also insert geographic coordinates in the latitude-longitude field.
This page allows you to add sponsors. You can indicate their name, a description, a logo and possibly the URL of the sponsor’s website.
You can rearrange the list of sponsors by clicking and dropping on the list of sponsors.
RSS Feed¶
This page allows you to add an RSS feed address.
With the addition of this page, users will be able to submit their submission from the Navigation section. Configuration of the submission form is done in the Editorial management menu
However, account creation and login are mandatory for those who file a summary or communication.
This page allows you to highlight your news via a dedicated page. After creating the page, you can add news by going to the ‘Edit content’ button or via the menu Website > News