I’ve changed institutions, what can I do?

If you want to access your account, but your email address has changed, you need to update your profile.

To do this, go to My Space > My Profile and change the address.

I have not received the password change email

Are you sure that your email address is valid? If yes, check your spam box, the email may have been redirected.

It is also possible that you have multiple accounts which affects sending the password reset email.

Contact support, our services will update your account so you can retrieve your login credentials.

I can’t connect to Sciencesconf

If you forget your password, you can request a new one using the following form https://portal.sciencesconf.org/user/lost (your login or your email address will be asked).

If you manage to log in, you will be able to change your password again in: My account > Edit my account > Password

I want to delete my Sciencesconf account, how can I do that ?

If you want to delete your account, it is necessary to make a request directly to support.

My email address has changed, what is the procedure ?

You can update your email address in My space > My profile after logging in.

If you have lost or forgotten your login credentials, report your new address to support. Our services will update your account.

The different roles

The different roles

I want to edit badges or invoices for participants

The first step is to export in a . csv file the list of registrants. Go to “Management of registration” -> “Registered”, filter the data if necessary and click on “Export CSV”. Use the mailing to format the data.